Politician's Diary - May 2002 The first paragraph of each day's entry follows the dated link to the full text. Note, Wednesday, 5-1-2002 Rumors Confirmed Dear Political Diary, My one loyal reader has been shaming me into writing more entries. Well here goes. I've been finding other writing much more interesting than my diary entries lately. I spent much of yesterday finishing up this week's column for the Reader. This time I tweak the nose of the Duluth New Tribune. I'll have alienated everybody by the time the campaign season rolls around. Thursday, 5-2-2002 First Cheesehead Dear Political Diary, I'll miss the Republican Congressional convention tomorrow. My mother, sister, aunt and uncle scheduled an impromptu reunion in the old homestead of Topeka Kansas. I'm hoping to add to more stories to my Antecedent's page. Monday, 5-6-2002 Reunion Dear Political Diary, I skipped out on the Congressional convention this weekend. Unexpectedly, my Dad's brother and sister and my Mom organized a family reunion in Topeka, Kansas after selling of the family farm. My sister and I eagerly joined in and my brother almost made it until business interfered. I was excited to prowl Topeka, Kansas, again for the first time since my Grandmother's funeral in 1986. There were a lot of memories to revisit and I was in a hurry since my Mother's memories are beginning to fade. Sunday, 5-12-2002 Ghosts Geeks Glass and Gone Dear Political Diary, Once again I feel like apologizing for being distracted from the diary. I've just got too many irons in the fire, including piano lessons which I began a month ago. I've had a hard time keeping up with piano practice too. I now know where middle C is on the piano, however. Whoo hoo! Friday, May 17, 2002 I'm all Wet Dear Political Diary, About the time I was first elected to the School Board, Chester Park asked me to sit in the dunk tank at their Carnival. I agreed providing they filled the tank up with warm water. I was particularly good at harassing the kids to lengthen the line of dunkers. Maybe that explains why I keep writing the Reader column. I must enjoy being a target. Come to think of it that's what Jesse Ventura did in the WWF. At least I raised a lot of money for Chester Park. Tuesday, 5-21-2002 Dancing with the DFT Dear Political Diary, Until Three O'clock this afternoon I had no intention of supporting the flawed DFT proposal to save the seve- period- day. I wanted to support an agreement much like last year's but the DFT had no intention of repeating their gesture from the year before. Instead they crafted an unacceptable proposal and led the teachers and public believe it was just duckie because it quacked. But....... at Three O'clock I reversed gears and pulled out my recipe book. I wanted to read the instructions for cooking duck á la orange. Thursday, 5-23-2002, Stuff during a Hiatus Dear Political Diary, I don't have much penciled in on my calendar for the next three days. If I'm lucky I'll finally get around to filing the heaps of papers on my floor. Bernice from Church did call yesterday to ask if I'd help serve lunch at the soup kitchen on Friday. I agreed but that will only last a couple of hours. It will be nice to see June and tease her about Frank Sinatra.