


Thursday, 4-18-2002


Dear Political Diary,

I found Ms. Barta substituting in Mrs. Marsman's class this morning. She gave me an enthusiastic introduction to her second graders some of whom were in her last class of Kindergartners when she retired. I read Pig Pig Grows Up and Bootsy Barker Bites. I had a rapt audience and Ms. Barta fairly gushed over me when I was done. I'll bet she gushes over all the guest readers.

Back home I tidied up a dozen new pages in my website putting them in the correct folders then uploaded the whole shebang to the server. Of particular concern was my Reader column. I wanted to link it to my Givemhellharry website. I had a blank page there labeled "Abortion." I needed to put some content in it before I started campaigning. While I was at it I also took care of the gun control page which had also been empty. Afterwards, I checked the counter and found I was a little shy of the next thousand. Go baby go! You can do it.

Hemlock Garage called at noon and told me my son's van was fixed. I walked the twenty blocks to pick it up because, as I told Tom, I needed the exercise. I'll be covering the same ground door to door before too long. As I passed the Shanty Liquor Store I looked for the fellows that I'd played hacky sack with the other day. They weren't out. Just as well. 

At four o'clock I dropped by the UMD student union to meet with the College Republicans. What a great meeting! My message was simple. I told them that I plan to drag the Republican party back to the center of political thought. To my delight my message was greeted with enthusiasm. I told the fellows about my upcoming Reader column and one of them asked to take a look. I sent him a link to it in an email. He emailed back and told me he'd enjoyed my piece. What's more, he said that he hadn't known that abortion was once illegal or that there had been back alley abortions.

I'll bet my intuition is right. The next generation has no idea why the abortion debate has progressed the way it has. The point of view in my column will give them a fresh set of eyes to look at the subject. He commented that it will be interesting to see how the pro-life forces fight back. Indeed it will.

I took Claudia out for dinner then we stopped to rent a DVD. I suggested that we watch Bowfinger which I'd enjoyed a few years ago. I started laughing uncontrollably before we even got to the funny stuff in anticipation of it. What a great release. Gee, but its been a day of good omens.

I checked my email before bed. More thank you's from Woodland for my stand at the School Board. My website's counter registered 6,000 when I checked it again. A new milestone. Just wait till I start campaigning in earnest.