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Let Duluth Vote's Plan B

In December Let Duluth Vote's Plan B Committee submitted a ten page RFP (request for quote) to the Duluth School District. It was based on the language in the Plan B Petition which had been circulated earlier in the year and ruled valid by the Minnesota Attorney General's office.


At the December School Board meeting Supt. Dixon gave a long talk about how the District not Let Duluth Vote now "owned" Plan B. They would follow the brief and vague petition language to the letter. They came to this website and printed out the rough Plan B proposal to prove that Let Duluth Vote's plan as presented in its ten page request to consultants to put a review and comment document together for presentation to the State Dept of Education 


In drafting our RFP we first met with the District's Director of Business Operations Bill Hanson who explained that the work would be largely our own and that the District would hire consultants up to help put the review and comment document together. We left with the impression that this would be our plan. 

We got together with several design professionals and followed the initial RFP sent out by the School District in 2006 and then awarded to Johnson Controls.  We made clear to indicate that there could be no conflict of interest and to speed the work and reduce costs made requests for the public data used by Johnson Controls in their analysis of ISD 709's facilities. 


Dr. Dixon having received our RFP added that we would only be given the data that had been given to the Minnesota Dept of Education when the original review and comment document was given to them. Apparently we could not look at other public information but only what the MDE was shown. 

In our conversations with MDE staff in 2007 the MDE staff repeatedly requested more information from Let Duluth Vote that had not been provided by the School District including information about Desegregation in Duluth and transportation. We subsequently learned that no transportation study had been made and that the District had put any analysis of the consecuences of dividing the district in two along the most racially divisive boundary possible. 

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