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Donations  (to the Welty campaign and to the Duluth School Endowment Fund)

Like solving the massive challenges of the Duluth Schools Harry has some innovative ideas for his fund raising.

1. He hopes to raise a little extra to donate to the Duluth School Endowment Fund. (explained below)

2. His campaign has created 50 "snow sculpture trading cards" for donors.

As of August 29th only one person has donated to Harry's campaign from the Internet:

Why don't you make it two?


or mail a check to: Weltyforschoolboard
2101 E 4th St.
Duluth, MN 55812

If you send over $15 you will receive a deck of 50 "trading cards" covering thirty years of Harry's snow sculpture creations"


And if Harry raises enough to cover the cost of printing his cards he will donate any excess to the Duluth Schools Endowment Fund.

and thanks to my campaign committee Chair Mike Jaros for this:

A message from Harry's campaign Chairman, Mike Jaros:


Dear Friend,

After thirty years of pouring his heart, soul and personal finances into the Duluth Schools Harry’s ready to pour more into them. He’s also trying to raise a little money for the Duluth Public Schools Endowment Fund which gives our teachers grants to experiment in their classrooms.

As an enticement for a donation to the Welty for School Board campaign we’re offering a deck of fifty “trading cards” of Harry’s snow sculptures. He’ll be passing cards out one card per household as he goes door-to-door but you may know someone who might like a full set of 50 snow sculpture trading cards in their Christmas stocking or for Hanukkah. If so, we’ll send you that deck for any contribution over $15. If you want multiple decks we’ll send more for additional $15 increments.

Just fill out the information below and enclose it with your check in the accompanying envelope:

How many card decks do you want at 1 set per $15 donation?* _________
*Minnesota state law limits individual donations to $500 per individual or $1,000 per couple.
Occupation and place of work are required for individual donations of $100 or more.



Address _________________________________________________________

City, state, zip ____________________________________________________

Phone number ______________________________ Email __________________________________

Make checks out to Welty for School Board. All revenue raised in 2017, over the cost of trading card production, will be donated to the Duluth Public Schools Endowment Fund.

Mike Jaros, Chairman,
Welty for School Board


This website is paid for by and maintained by Harry Welty, Candidate for the Duluth School Board, 2101 E 4th St., Duluth, MN 55812