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Why this petition?    ( How to help )

More schools!   Less money!

The School Board has already begun the Red Plan by authorizing $59 million in bonds. It’s not too late to slow down and scale back the Red Plan. LET DULUTH VOTE wants to encourage compromise. If 1,500 eligible voters sign this petition the School Board will have to put our question on the ballot. If it passes it will be clear that voters want a smaller building plan.  Since we now know that Duluth is one of only three Minnesota school districts that can authorize a mega-building plan without voter approval (and the only district ever to do so) we are at the School Board’s mercy. This petition and the referendum will give voters time to tell the School Board that we expect them to compromise. Four school board members tell us no one ever complains to them about the Red Plan. It's time to start complaining.

LET DULUTH VOTE’s next Meeting is Tuesday, Feb 12th at 6:30pm at the Duluth Heights Community Club. Please tell every one to come and pick up more petitions.  Return signed petitions in the enclosed stamped envelopes. Questions? Call Brenda 390-7768

Here is a comparison of our Plan B and the Red Plan.

Plan B                                                    Red Plan

CENTRAL CORRIDOR                              VS.                  No CENTRAL CORRIDOR

Central High School                                                              Closed Central High School
New Middle school                                                                  No Middle school in                                                                                                         Central Corridor
Lowell Elem                                                                             Lowell Elem
Homecroft Elem                                                                       Homecroft Elem
Expanded Grant Elem                                                               Expanded Grant Elem
Closed Nettleton Elem                                                             Closed Nettleton Elem
Secondary Tech Ctr & Old Central                                           Secondary Tech Ctr &                                                                                                       Old Central

WESTERN CORRIDOR                                                         WESTERN CORRIDOR

Denfeld High School                                                                 Denfeld High School
New Western Middle School                                                    New Western Middle School
Stowe Elem                                                                              Stowe Elem
Expanded Piedmont Elem                                                      Replace Piedmont & Lincoln                                                                                                   with single elem                        
New Laura MacArthur                                                             New Laura MacArthur
Close Lincoln Elem and Middle School                                     Close Morgan Park
Close Morgan Park                                                                                         

EAST CORRIDOR                                                                 EAST CORRIDOR

East High School                                                                      Ordean High School
Ordean Middle School                                                              East Middle School
Congdon Elem                                                                          Congdon Elem
Lakewood Elem                                                                       Lakewood Elem
New Lester Park Elem                                                              New Lester Park Elem
Close Woodland Middle School                                               Close Woodland Middle School
Close Rockridge Elem                                                              Close Rockridge Elem

Cost $ 194,036,218 for 16 Schools                     Cost $ 293,864,989 for                                                                                 14 Schools

How to help


If you care about Duluth and its schools 
don't put your faith in the Duluth News Tribune
The last word on the Red Plan can be found on Harry Welty's blog:
And if you're looking for some particular piece of information use the blog's search function.
You never can tell what you'll find.