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Temporary Injunction

Two things could slow down the Red Plan. One is a requirement for an Envionmental Impact Statement which in light of the District's determination to cram elephant High into the Ordean phone Booth makes a great deal of sense. Second a temporary restraining order which the taxpayers have requested the Sixth District Court to impose until the Court hears and rules on our case this September.

A third possible slowdown could result if the City Council votes to hold a referendum asking voters whether they wish to have the City drag its feet on permitting and variances for the Red Plan. We'll find out when the Council meets on June 15, 2009 whether this comes to pass or not. It seems unlikely.

The decision on the EIS will come in July and may depend on the recommendation of the City Planning Staff which has received more objections to the Ordean plans from area neighbors than any other project in recent memory.

As for the Temporary Injunction. This is new. The Taxpayers did not originally request this but after the Judge of the Sixth District imposed the relatively modest $100,000 bond and gave the plaintiffs 30 days to raise it it seemed prudent to ask that this be applied to an injunction on continuing construction.

The judge has already granted the plaintiffs an expedited trial the first indication of the gravity of the case. Should he grant this request construction would end on all but those projects for which contracts have been signed. This is the Plaintiff's reply to the defendants objections to an injunction. 











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