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Why the "promise" that the Red Plan 
will only cost Duluth Taxpayers $125 million is a fraud.

Dr. Dixon has written this. Senator Yvonne Prettner has repeated it before the House Tax Committee. Now this is what David Ross has written: “residents will see a $125 million tax impact.

This is a remote possibility. Its a little like telling a child who has the theoretical possibility of growing up to be President of the United States that he or she will in fact become President. It could happen but there aren't any guarantees.

These are the facts. The District has told the State Dept of Education that it will cost $437 million (since revised to $407 million) to pay for the Red Plan. The County Auditor is currently levying only 46% of this cost against Duluth School District taxpayers. 54% of the Red Plan’s costs have yet to be levied. Dr. Dixon is promising that they won’t be levied now or ever over the twenty years it will take to pay off the Red Plan. The money to pay for the new schools will instead come out of school operations…..the classroom.

First, Dr. Dixon can not make promises for future school boards. This school board may follow him in lock step but future boards are unlikely to honor the promise of one of the most unpopular school boards in Duluth ’s history.
Second, removing $11 million dollars from school operations each year will gut our brand new schools leaving over crowed classrooms and limited programs.
Third, The cuts being talked about by this school board for next year are so draconian that they can give no thinking person any confidence in this school board’s decision making ability.
Four, Behind the promise is a threat to wit: “If you don’t give us what the School Board wants and pass the operational levy in the fall we will make terrible cuts to the classroom and it will be the fault of the voters.


If you care about Duluth and its schools 
don't put your faith in the Duluth News Tribune
The last word on the Red Plan can be found on Harry Welty's blog:
And if you're looking for some particular piece of information use the blog's search function.
You never can tell what you'll find.