Duluth School Board Members:
I feel strongly that the only practical way to achieve any kind of socio-economic balance in the high schools in the central and eastern part
of Duluth is to revert to the situation which existed before the early 1950's when all of the students in central and eastern Duluth attended
Central High School. This structure was possible at a time when the population of the city was greater than it is now.
Such a change could be facilitated by defining High School as Grades 10, 11 and 12. As a Father of four children, my impression is that students would retain more interest in and enthusiasm for high school if it lasted three years rather than four. East could revert to a Junior High School or some other function.
It is my feeling that any attempt to retain two high schools with relatively equal socio-economic balance in the central and eastern part of
Duluth is politically unworkable.
I think that anyone with an understanding of the history of secondary education in Duluth would argue that the Central High School name should be preserved for the combined high school.
I make these observations as a fourth generation Duluthian, a graduate of East High
School and the Father of three East High School graduates.