
Hello Harry, I am a parent at Chester Park, Kxxx Xxxxx. I am up for a discussion on any proposal and any long range plan assumptions. The point is 
that the process must be respectful to all the stakeholders and that includes providing time and a process where our community can not only provide input but have discussion amongst themselves and with our school board. This is not rocket science - there are community action models that work for large 
scale public input. Please do not make a poor decision so quickly, our school district will not go bankrupt if we keep our neighborhood schools open 
one more year as we figure this out. Honor your long range plan process and give us all time to work together. DO NOT VOTE YES ON ANY SCHOOL CLOSING OR BOUNDARY CHANGES ON MARCH 28, please.


My Reply to K:

<< Please do not make a poor decision so quickly, our school district will not go bankrupt if we keep our neighborhood schools open one more year as we figure this out. >>

Hi K______,

I'll wait for some discussions but not for long because you are wrong. If we do nothing we will have made a decision to go millions of dollars in debt next year. That will onle make our long range planning harder because our options will be diminished and we will still end up making decisions that anger people.
